Reviews of Infrapanel Technology manufactured by TEPLOCERAMIC LLC
Areas of application for infrared panels manufactured by TEPLOCERAMIC LLC
The TC, TCM, TCM-RA, TCMT, TCMT-RA, SW, SWT, SWT-RA, SWRE, SWG, SWG-RA, SWGT, SWGT-RA, SW-PRO models are used as main and auxiliary heaters. Infrared panels made of ceramic, white metal enamel / stainless metal and tempered glass can be used in several rooms.
Heating of holiday home
With the help of a thermostate we can set the desired temperature for the entire heating season, so that the heated rooms are waiting for us before our arrival. Or you can use the timer switch to program the TEPLOCeramic / INFRACeramic panel (s) to turn on as needed. The result: warmth and comfort in the rooms, with minimal commissioning time and electricity costs.
Heating of warehouse premises
Areas / rooms in industrial facilities can be excellently heated by local control with simple, cultured-looking, compact SunWay SW-PRO models. SW-PRO heaters are designed for heating residential, office, administrative and industrial rooms and work areas (except A and Category B hazardous areas) It is not advisable for you to heat the entire room, only the work area, it is advisable to install SW-PRO models by a qualified master. Taking into account the parameters described in the table to decide which performance is suitable for you. In the case of the main heating, the economical energy consumption can be achieved by installing and controlling with an external thermostat.Based on the table below, we provide you all the necessary information.
Heating of apartments
In order to take advantage of the economical area in small-sized flats,we recommend to use 15 mm narrow, square and rectangular shaped electric heating panels. For heating larger rooms, we recommend higher performance infrared panels with thermostat. In the bathroom, the heaters fit well (some models can even be mounted on the ceiling), save energy and space. Thanks to their high IP protection, they are secure.
Complete solutions in multi-storey buildings
In offices, restaurants and salons, where electricity tariffs and heating demand are much higher than the actual overhead costs of residential parks, it is recommended to use economical infrared panels manufactured by the TEPLOCERAMIC LLC. It is advisable to pre-program the heating to be switched on a few hours before the staff arrives at work and to be switched off at the end of the working day. The appearance of electric heaters also plays an important role. Where it is important to maintain a modern look, the marble colors and narrowness of the panels fit perfectly into the interior.
Heating of work areas
In offices, restaurants and salons, where electricity tariffs and heating demand are much higher than the actual overhead costs of residential parks, it is recommended to use economical infrared panels manufactured by the TEPLOCERAMIC LLC. It is advisable to pre-program the heating to be switched on a few hours before the staff arrives at work and to be switched off at the end of the working day. The appearance of electric heaters also plays an important role. Where it is important to maintain a modern look, the marble colors and narrowness of the panels fit perfectly into the interior.
Heating of social facilities: kindergartens, schools and hospitals
Energy saving, safety and environmentally friendly heating are of paramount importance for such institutions. The TC, TCM, TCM-RA, TCMT, TCMT-RA, SW, SWT, SWT-RA, SWRE, SWG, SWG-RA, SWGT, SWGT-RA, SW-PRO models manufactured by TEPLOCERAMIC LLC are made of natural materials. The closed heating element is hermetically connected to the heating element. This technology provides a comfortable warm feeling, spares the air from dehydration and unpleasant odors. All infrared panels transmit heat in the form of long hot waves, so they are not harmful to health, do not cause warming of the human organ and tissue and should not be confused with microwaves. Electrical infrared panels are not a danger to children. With a separately installed temperature controller, it is possible to check the heating level of the ceramic surface. SW-PRO heaters are designed for heating residential, office, administrative and industrial areas and work areas (except for hazardous areas of categories A and B).
Heating of non – standard rooms
Infrared heating panels manufactured by TEPLOCERAMIC LLC can also be used practically by churches and cathedrals. Heating areas with many air cubic meters is difficult to achieve from low overhead costs. In practice, only infrared heaters can provide heat quickly and efficiently in these structures. For objects with high ceilings, it is important to correctly calculate the required power and the number of heaters.
Comparison of teploceramic with the house gas heating method
For the correctness of the comparative calculations, the same starting data were used
Heating mode: basic heating.
The street temperature in winter is -5 degrees (average t ° C).
Room temperature – + 21- +23 ° C
House features: 100 m2 brick house, walls: one and a half bricks, ceiling height: 2.5 m.
Double glazed windows.
Heating with infrapanels manufactured by Teploceramic LLC.
To heat 1 m2 area with panels, 50 watts of energy required (with a small heat loss)
Estimated costs: [1m2 heating x house base area (m2) x 8 hours usage time / day (this is how the panels work based on baseline data) x 30 days] so we get the energy usage.
comparison of infrapanels manufactured by Teploceramic LLC with conventional convector heating.
TEPLOCeramic infrared panels are a modern heating method. It complements the classic convection heating method. The secret of the heating principle of infrared panels lies in the infrared warm waves, which differs from the convection heating principle in that they first heat the walls and the surface of objects, which then heat the air so that the air does not dry out, the warm air does not rise. towards the ceiling, the oxygen does not burn out and the feeling of comfort is maintained. Conventional heating heats the air, which heats the objects as well as dries out the air. And the warm air will take off and the comfort will be lower at floor level.
The main difference between infrared panels manufactured by TEPLOCERAMIC LLC and convector heating is the principle of operation.
Comparison of baseline data:
Heating mode – the main heating.
Room features: insulated walls, ceiling height: up to 3 m, windows: double-glazed windows. Heating panels from TEPLOCERAMIC heat the surrounding objects and walls with infrared waves. The electricity used by the panels was entirely aimed at heating the person and the room by heating the surfaces. After heating, the built-in thermostat on the heating panel rarely turns on to maintain the temperature, the heat is kept by the walls. Convector heating. Convectors heat the air. Warm air rises, cold air descends. The temperature towards the ceiling is higher than at human height. The result: you are still cold and the air in the ceiling area is very hot, so thanks to the properties of the heated air, it cools down quickly and the convector often has to reconnect to maintain the temperature. Plus, the air exits through the ventilation system toward the chimney, so you heat the street and not your home. This means that significantly more energy is used, which is wasted.
Comparison of infrapanels manufactured by Teploceramic LLC with convection heated types.
Similar results are obtained in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness after comparing infrared heaters with other types of heating equipment. The summary results are shown in the figure / table below:
By choosing infrared heating panels from TEPLOCERAMIC LLC, you get:
- Quality heating panel at a reasonable price
- Energy saving
- Infrared heating panel that fits harmoniously into your home
- Therapeutic healing effects of stone
- Non-dehumidified air in the room
- Quick installation
- Commissioning procedure without official permits
1. Heating element – double insulated nichrome heating wire. It is usually used in metallurgy, where the operating temperature is a thousand times higher than in the heater. With this, the life of the panel can be up to 30 years. The double-insulated heater completely eliminates voltage fluctuations, protects against overheating and short circuits.
2. Front side – ceramic clay. Of a mixture of pressed clay and other materials. We chose this material for the front surface because it is strong, durable and does not degrade performance under the influence of moisture and high temperature factors. To increase the impact resistance, the ceramic base was covered with a 1.5 mm thick layer of glaze, which will make the surface shiny.
3-4. Interior design – Sandwich-like construction, made of layers of several materials (heat-resistant, heat-insulating, heat-retaining layers). As a result, the temperature of the rear side of the infrared heater is 50 ℃ and the temperature of the front side is 85-95 ℃.
5. A special, four-component environmentally friendly mortar, that connects all the elements of the radiator. When it solidifies, the penel turns into a monolith. Thanks to the connection method, the heater is securely fastened and does not come into contact with air, which excludes the possibility of damage.
6. The housing is made of metal. The thickness of the metal is 1 mm, which increases the strength and durability of the panel. Painting the metal housing – with powdered Italian paint. Double painting inside and out, baked in a special oven. This metal housing is resistant to moisture and humidity.
7. Infrared Wave – Transmits warm heat at a wavelength of 8.33 μm. Safe and comfortable. It transfers heat as an analogue of a stone fireplace. It heats the walls of the room deeply and intensely. Because of this, the heat is stored for a long time. It has a beneficial effect on human health, enhances immunity and speeds up the process of cell regeneration.